Friday, June 12, 2009

Tidbits about Party Girl

Here are some more tidbits about me, so as I write you may have a better understanding of me...

I am terrified of snakes, clowns and tornados.

My most missed memory is watching my Grandma Lil bake Christmas cookies and then both of us decorating them.

I used to love the show "Solid Gold" and just knew that I would be a Solid Gold dancer one day.
I guess I must now settle for competing on "Dancing with the Stars" with Maxsim Chermovsky as my kick ass partner...I will do this one day!!!

I am a Coca-Cola girl even though I grew up in a Pepsi world.

Chik-Fil-A rocks.

I have lived in Columbus, OH (my hometown); Boston, MA (so in love with that city); Washington, DC (amazing energy there); and my current home of Atlanta, GA (how can you not love the Dirty South? ok traffic does suck).

I do not drink coffee. I love the smell, but hate the taste. I'm naturally caffienated in the mornings!!

I have been in love. I have had my heart broken. I still believe in love and have no doubt know it will happen for me...I know it is out there.

I love my family and miss them terribly.

I must write a few blogs on my European vacation with my cousin Stacey. Priceless.

I think people of all cultures are fascinating.

I think I have the most eclectic and amazing group of friends ever assembled worldwide.

I met Prince Albert of Monaco (while in Monaco) simply by asking my friend Lo's dad over dinner "Hey, I want to meet the Prince of Monaco" (of course there had been some wine consumed). Wouldn't you know it the next day he arrived at the house for champagne and hors d'oeuvres! See, "The Secret" does work when you put it out there!

I hope that you will have fun reading my blog as much I am going to enjoy writing it!

Much love!


  1. Im afraid of snakes, clown and spiders. I love long as they are in Kansas:)

  2. I hate snakes and clowns too, but I love long as they are in Kansas.
